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Publieksjaarverslag 2022 & Factsheet 2022
Operationalisation of self-determination of persons with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: A Delphi study
S. Nijs, M. Zijlmans, C. Schuengel & P. J. C. M. Embregts. In: Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, december 2022.
Toegankelijkheid van onderzoek voor mensen met een
licht verstandelijke beperking . Column van Carlo Schuengel in: LVB Onderzoek & Praktijk Najaar 2022, jaargang 20, nummer 2.
Impact of the Care and Coercion Act on recorded involuntary care in intellectual disability care: a time-series analysis L. Bakkum, E. H. Bisschops, S. Lagerweij, C. Schuengel. In: Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, november 2022.
Reproductive health of women with intellectual disability: antenatal care, pregnancies and outcomes in the Dutch population Schuengel, C., Cuypers, M., Bakkum, L., & Leusink, G. L. In: Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability (2022)
Reducing restrictive measures in complex long-term care for people with intellectual disabilities: Implementation interventions through the lens of normalisation process theory Esther H. Bisschops, J. Clasien de Schipper, Baukje Schippers, Petri J. C. M. Embregts & Carlo Schuengel. In: Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, Mrt 2022.
Satisfying Basic Psychological Needs among People with Complex Support Needs: A Self-Determination Theory-Guided Analysis of Primary Relatives’ Perspectives Jacqueline M. van Tuyll van Serooskerken, Agnes M. Willemen, Anne de la Croix, Petri J. C. M. Embregts & Carlo Schuengel. In: Disabilities 2022, 2(2), 330-347.
Using Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up with young children with developmental delays: A multiple-baseline trial of attachment, sensitivity, and cortisol Ahmed Riaz Mohamed, Paula Sterkenburg, Joshua G. Yeatman, Esmé van Rensburg, and Carlo Schuengel. In: Journal of Intellectual Disabilities
Piloting attachment psychoeducation provided to parents of children with severe disabilities: Testing the feasibility of a digital micro-intervention. Vandesande, S., Bosmans, G., Sterkenburg, P., Schuengel, C., & Maes, B. (2022). In: Journal of Intellectual Disabilities.
Expressions of stress of people with severe intellectual disabilities and sensitive caregiving to regulate stress: A qualitative study. Doodeman, T. W. M., Schuengel, C., & Sterkenburg, P. S. (2022). In: Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 47(4), 308-317.
A Tailored Approach to Supporting Parent-Child Attachment in Families with Children with Severe Disabilities: Matching Interventions to Needs. Vandesande, S., Bosmans, G., Sterkenburg, P., Schuengel, C., & Maes, B. (2022). In: International Journal of Disability, Development and Education.
Variation in differential reactions to comfort by parents versus strangers in children with severe or profound intellectual disabilities: the role of parental sensitivity and motor competence. Vandesande, S., Bosmans, G., Sterkenburg, P., Schuengel, C., Van keer, I., & Maes, B. (2022). In: Current Psychology.
People with intellectual disabilities living in care facilities engaging in virtual social contact: A systematic review of the feasibility and effects on well-being. Bakkum, L., Schuengel, C., Sterkenburg, P. S., Frielink, N., Embregts, P. J. C. M., de Schipper, J. C., ten Brug, A., & Tharner, A. (2022). In: Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 35(1), 60-74.
The Attachment Strengths and Needs Interview for parents of children with severe or profound intellectual disabilities: An acceptability and feasibility study. Vandesande, S., Bosmans, G., Sterkenburg, P., Schuengel, C., & Maes, B. (2022). In: Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 47(2), 118-130.
Psychological Distress and Physical Vulnerability Bertelli, M. O., Fletcher, R., Weber, G., Schuengel, C., Scuticchio, D., Bianco, A., Rondini, E., Perera, B., & Courtenay, K. (2022) In: In M. O. Bertelli, S. Deb, K. Munir, A. Hassiotis, & L. Salvador-Carulla (Eds.), Textbook of Psychiatry for Intellectual Disability and Autism Spectrum Disorder (pp. 71-94).
Belemmerende en bevorderende factoren bij implementatie van de methode Multi-Disciplinair Expertise Team voor afbouw van onvrijwillige zorg Grapendaal, K., Bisschops, E., de Schipper, J. C. & Schuengel, C., 21 Mar 2022, In: Nederlands tijdschrift voor de zorg aan mensen met verstandelijke beperkingen. 48, 1 (pp. 12-24).
Zorgdata in onderzoek voor mensen met verstandelijke beperkingen Ras, R., Schuengel, C. & Embregts, P. J. C. M., 20 Jan 2022, Vrije Universiteit. 29 p.