
Onze producten, publicaties, presentaties, etc.


  1. Publieksjaarverslag 2021 & Factsheet 2021
  2. Incidentmeldingen in de langdurige zorg voor mensen met verstandelijke beperkingen na de eerste Covid-19 lockdown: Lessen voor de toekomst. Schuengel, C., Tummers, J., van Rest, M., Embregts, P. J. C. M., van der Plas, S. & Leusink, G.(2021) In: Tijdschrift voor Artsen voor Verstandelijke Gehandicapten. 39, 3, p. 161-167
  3. Caring together, learning together: co-creating sustainable educational participation of families with children with special needs. Frederike Ertmer, Anne de la Croix, Agnes Willemen, Carlo Schuengel 2021. In: Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, volume 34, issue 5.
  4. Exploring restrictive measures using action research: A participative observational study by nursing staff in nursing homes Bekkema, N., Niemeijer, A., Frederiks, B., & de Schipper, C. (2021)
  5. People with intellectual disabilities living in care facilities engaging in virtual social contact: A systematic review of the feasibility and effects on well-being. Bakkum, L., Schuengel, C., Sterkenburg, P. S., Frielink, N., Embregts, P. J. C. M., de Schipper, J. C., Brug, A. & Tharner, A., 9 Jul 2021, In: Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. 15 p.
  6. Using routine care data: Opinions and beliefs by people with intellectual or visual disabilities. van Rest, M., Heppe, E., Ras, R., Cullen, M-A., de la Croix, A., Schuengel, C. & Hastings, R., In: Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. 34, 5, p. 1366 1 p. Jul 2021
  7. Empathie kun je niet uit een boek leren in Ad Valvas. Anne de la Croix, Friederike Ertmer, Agnes Willemen en Carlo Schuengel
  8. APH Quality Handbook
  9. Vernieuw, verbeter, dus implementeer. Esther Bisschops, ZonMW.
  10. ‘Met andere ogen’ maakt je bewust van vrijheid en vrijheidsbeperking. Esther Bisschops, Vilans.
  11. Oog voor PTSS bij mensen met een LVB. Anne Versluis & Simone Schipper-Eindhoven geïnterviewd voor Nurse Academy GGZ.


  1. Implementation determinants and strategies: Thematic analysis of shared experiences in a Community-of-Practice with workers and stakeholders in care for people with intellectual disabilities, Bisschops, E., de Schipper, J. C., Embregts, P. J. C. M. & Schuengel, C., 27 May 2021.
  2. A scoping review informed by a stakeholder consultation, underlining the urgency of the importance of clearly defining what burnout among parents of children with complex care needs entails, which is a prerequisite for preventing burnout - Ouders in Evenwicht – N.J.S. Patty & M. Verdonk, ICPB
  3. Burn-out among parents of children with complex care needs: a case study of partnering in research - Ouders in Evenwicht – K.M. van Meeteren & N.J.S. Patty, EACD
  4. A developmental perspective on mental health problems and challenging behaviour not only underscores the importance of psychosocial support for children and families but also provide novel avenues for therapeutic intervention by addressing the expectations that people with intellectual disability have of important people in their lives – co-speaker – C. Schuengel, IASSIDD
  5. Burnout among parents of children with CCN: a scoping review informed by a stakeholder consultation - Ouders in Evenwicht – K.M. van Meeteren, N.J.S. Patty & S. Doeleman, IASSIDD
  6. Adults with Intellectual Disabilities or Visual Impairment: Opinions and Beliefs about Routinely Collected Care Data. - M. van Rest & C. Schuengel, IASSIDD
  7. Sharing implementation experiences in a Community-of-Practice for reducing involuntary care. - Vrijheid en veiligheid: verantwoord omgaan met vrijheidsbeperkende maatregelen - E.H. Bisschops, J.C. de Schipper, P.J.C.M. Embregts & C. Schuengel, IASSIDD
  8. Caring together, learning together- parent participation in Clinical Child and Family Studies. (2021) F. Ertmer, IASSIDD
  9. Self-Determination of Individuals With Extensive and Complex Support Needs (2021) J. van Tuyll van Serooskerken, EAMHID
  10. Deficit or Delay? Executive functions in 8 to 17-year-olds with borderline intellectual functioning. M. van Rest, EAMHID
  11. Burn-out bij ouders van zorgintensieve kinderen. S. Doeleman & K.M. van Meeteren, IAG-congres


  1. Herkennen en omgaan met gehechtheidsproblemen bij mensen met LVB ’s Heeren-Loo, juni 2021.
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